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The optic nerve carries images to the brain which allows each patient to see. The group of conditions that affect and damage the optic nerve is called glaucoma.
Glaucoma affects one in fifty people in the UK and can cause blindness and is caused by an increase in pressure in the eye. Fluid is constantly made in the eye and slowly drains out into the bloodstream, if this draining process is too slow pressure builds in the eye and causes the problem.
Vision tends to be affected in the sides of the eyes initially and many sufferers are not even aware of the problem. Eye drops are sometimes advised by the consultant to see if the pressure can be lowered, however if this does not solve the problem surgery is usually necessary.

If the glaucoma isn't addressed for an extended period of time then vision is likely to be lost in the eye.
The procedure will take around 45 minutes and involves draining of the excess fluid in the eye to lower the pressure. A small hole will be made to drain the fluid in the lining of the white of the eye with the fluid being drained into the space on the outside of the eye under the eyelid.
The operation usually takes between 45 minutes and an hour.
It is important to discuss any queries with your consultant prior to the operation.
You will in most cases be allowed home the day of the procedure and we advise you to arrange a family member or friend to drive you home after the operation.
You will be required to return to the clinic several times after the operation to check on progress where the stitches may, on occasion, be loosened to increase the drainage process.
We advise you to stay away from work for a few weeks after the procedure and to avoid swimming as this may increase the exposure to infection.
Your consultant will need to check your eye the day after the operation and you will need to return the clinic several times during the first few weeks after the operation.
This procedure will normally be covered by the medical insurance policy but patients are advised to check with the provider prior to any treatment.
If you are paying for your own treatment all costs will be discussed and explained prior to any treatment taking place. This will be confirmed in writing along with any surgeon fees, anaesthetist fees and hospital charges prior to admission.