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Opthalmology is an area of medicine focusing on eye health. The field of Opthalmology covers all aspects of the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye.
The only health professional trained both medically and surgically to treat eye disorders — especially the most serious eye diseases such as macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma — is an ophthalmologist.

The practice of ophthalmology has encompassed all aspects of visual function in health and disease, including refraction, orthoptics, binocular vision and strabismus.
Medical and surgical treatment of disease involving the visual system and awareness of ocular manifestations of systemic disease are also an integral part of the practice of ophthalmology.
Opthalmologists deal with a variety of diseases of the eye, some of the more well known and common being cataracts, glaucoma, cornea disease and retina disease.
At the Sefton Suite we have a range of experienced consultants who deal specifically with this area and we ask that should you have any questions relating to this branch of medicine and the symptoms you are experiencing you arrange an appointment and speak with our consultants directly.